Successive bastions of Smoleńsk lie are falling apart

Janusz Wojciechowski

1. Something has burst, something has changed. It is impossible to place the interview of Mrs Szmajdzińska into a margin as well as the bitter words about compromise and hypocrisy of the investigation of Smolensk or they cannot be derided, either. It is impossible to make them a kind of stupefaction or ‘a political game of coffins’. Now, the accusations are not made by Macierewicz or a politician of the Law and Justice ‘full of phobia against the Russians’. The accusations are made by Mrs Szmajdzińska, a Smolensk widow of a leftist politician, and today being a leftist parliamentarian, she will not allow for assigning her to the Polish leftist party of Democratic Leftist Alliance or a phobia against the Russians or Tusk.

2. Something got burst, something got changed. The Smolensk lie which has been constantly attacked recently and has been laughing into the face of the truth, today is running away on shorter and shorter legs. The main bastions of the lie are collapsing like a house from cards, including the biggest one – this slanderous and criminal accusation for the memory of victims – about the pressures on the crew of gen. Błasik. Slanderers recognised his voice – but who specifically recognised it and how – still remains secret! And they are floundering into the nonsense although quietly and unclearly that everybody except for the pilot was in the cockpit.

3. ‘The birch lie’ is collapsing and the wood chips are falling off it. Nothing opposed the expertise of professor Binienda and doctor Nowaczyk. Nothing! There is no expertise, nobody goes out or says anything – I am a physics professor for the studies about the resistance of materials and we were investigating the birch, the wing, we calculated the voltage, tension, the angle of attack – and it is true. The Russians are right saying that the birch caused the disaster of the airplane! But nobody says so. Miller’s commission decided with most votes that the birch was the reason for the catastrophe. I have not heard a Polish expert had put a ladder against the birch, rubbed off airplane paint and decided in a laboratory that it had been out tupolew plane.

4. Government Protection Bureau was not to be blamed, whereas it results both from procurators’ investigation and the initial decisions of the control of the Supreme Chamber of Control (conducted from my inspiration), that in the place where the Polish president was killed, there was not Government Protection Bureau. President Kwaśniewski had everything checked in Smoleńsk, probably the Russians were even ordered to place the concrete on the runway at the airport (it turns out that it is possible to demand everything from the Russians effectively, if one wants to, and it is not a threat of any war at all). One driver was waiting for president Kaczynski in Smolensk...And president Komorowski rewarded the director of Government Protection Bureau with the rank of general.

5. Despite the shocking accusation from Mrs Szmajdzińska, her party-colleague Marek Siwiec was trying to bring it to the dimension of a complaint of a victim. Kurski rightly pointed out that a victim is someone who has his bike stolen. Anyway, an investigation about a stolen bike is more professional and careful than the investigation about the crashed airplane in Smoleńsk, in which president of the Polish Republic and many other significant functionaries of the Polish country were killed. This country which cannot or maybe does not want to reach to the knowledge about what really happened in the Smoleńsk fog.

6. The Smoleńsk lie is running away on shorter and shorter legs and is stumbling over its own mistakes. But the truth will catch up with it. Maybe the truth and justice will catch up with it.


"Niedziela" 07/2012

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
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