In the recent time anti-church articles and TV programs have been overwhelming us. The past times are coming back – the times of hypocrisy, terror and fear. But has the situation of people subjected to the powers of this world really changed, who sell their souls for the relative welfare?

A contemporary American scientist of culture Kevin MacDonald in ‘The Culture of Critique’ writes about a strategy of anti-Christian environments, specifying its elements. The essence of this strategy is based on: 1. Ridiculing and fighting against the Catholic Church as the most powerful institution of Christianity; 2. Persuading everybody into their sense of blame for the traditional culture permeated by Christianity; 3. Aiming at eradicating Christianity from the public space; 4 Questioning the unity of the Christian society by widespreading individualism and relativism of values because only in this kind of society the minorities feel safe; 5. Promoting cultural variety and mass immigration; 6. Questioning the national pride of the country of the host as a sign of pathological nationalism; 7. Promoting freedom of customs, especially sexual freedom and following pleasures, because one can benefit from favoring the lowest instincts.

What kind of welfare is it all about?

This insidious program, even though masked with beautifully sounding slogans of universal humanism, results in social disintegration and family breakdown. According to MacDonald, subversive intellectual trends play a big role in the program. It is all about cultural Marxism here, radical leftist party, psychoanalysis and ideology of Frankfurt school, which permeated through the culture of the West. The anti-Christian revolution takes place under the slogans of freedom and tolerance, but it is only an illusion. For deceivers are realizing their own business, insidiously believing in the illusion or making others believe so, using the nobility of their motives. It is one of many interpretations of the anti-Christian strategies in the West world. For everywhere in the world systems of violence, dominance, are functioning and enslavement of people which must have subordinated people and functionaries in their factories of a lie.

It is worth noting that on the target of these powers there is Christianity, and especially its most centralized structure – the Catholic Church. The Church, to which a milliard and three millions of believers belong, which educates individuals and societies for freedom – is still being attacked by enslaving powers. Among many beliefs, social groups, jobs, only the Church and priests are insulted with impunity, only about them there are insinuations, slanders, fabricated statistics, preserved interviews.

Significantly, the journalists terrorized by fear about their life, career, rarely take their attitude in the defence of the Church. They keep silent, although they are aware of the rules of this dishonest game. Whereas in the world dominated by the primitive propaganda which is aimed against the human dignity and the human brain, the Church is representing the authority and supernatural solemnity. In the world of hedonism and search for sensual pleasure, the Church points out to responsibility, sacrifice and devotion. In the world in which there is cult of idols, the Church says about worshipping Lively and real God. The Church is the only refuge of morality, defends God’s law and natural law, defends family law, defends the rights for life of unborn children, elderly and ill people.

A massive roller of the contemporary anti-religious indoctrination is connected with the activity of the anti-Christian front, present in mass media, in the ideology and politics. The frequently signalized ‘Christ- phobia’ and ‘Christianity-phobia’ are not a product of imagination. In the contemporary world there is a phenomenon of cultural confrontation, having its aeropagiticas about which John Paul II had already said in ‘Redemptorismissio’. These aeropagiticas are editorial offices of leading mass media engaged in promoting ideological secularism, academic centers, centers run by many political parties, institutions which have a benefit from promoting atheistic attitudes, social organisations aimed at secularization of social life and a fight against religion. These are them which produce hypocritical stereotypes, exaggerate or even make up scandals concerning priests. These are them which reproduce the stereotype of a priest or a lay believer who, from the point of statistics view, is an absurd collection of a vast number of negative features in one person. These are the people who use a weapon of ridicule, mockery, a perverse satire in press, literature, theatrical plays, films and computer games, not hiding their hatred to Christianity , its symbols and believers at all.

Harmony of hatred

Doesn’t the line of many magazines in Poland serve to the above-mentioned purposes? It is worth mentioning a variety of magazines which are mainly aimed at attacking the community of the Church. Apart from the famous newspapers of scandals, there are also the new ones today, which are aspiring to the opinion as weeklies of opinion and a vast number of other magazines, which – like a disciplined orchestra onto the order of a conductor – obediently pass on texts poisoned with the anti-ecclesiastical venom to others.

Especially the influence of the Church on the youth is being fought against strongly and by perfidious methods. The Catholic education is being destroyed by depravation of the youth from the youngest age with the use of the so-called sexual education. The depravation of the youth is also supported by half-pornographic magazines. The fruits of catechesis are also being destroyed. From the youngest age, pupils meet with the world of satanistic sub-culture which is to be a substitute of spiritual world proposed to them. However, it is impossible to deceit a man endlessly. Gałczyński wrote: ‘But I know that it will be though,/this great tempest at evil’s night, will respond through the Milan night/St. Augustine in Milan!’ (‘Notes from the unsuccessful retreats of Paris’). As it is known, St. Augustine, influenced by the teachings of St. Ambrose, converted himself into faith and served to God and the Church faithfully.


"Niedziela" 44/2012

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl