The Sejm is working on novelization of anti-discriminatory act which, according to lawyers, is aimed against the constitutional protection of the family, restricts economic freedom and the freedom of speech. In the opinion of pro-family organizations, it is supposed to guarantee a privileged position of homosexual groups under the pretext of a fight against discrimination. Due to it, the Centre for Supporting Initiatives for Life and Family is running a campaign ‘Stop to dictatorship of the minority’.

The binding anti-discriminatory act of 3 December 2010, completely fulfills the duty of implementation of EU directives in this sphere. However, parliamentarians of the Left Democratic Alliance and the Movement of Palikot submitted a controversial novelization project of this act which implements many radical postulates of a group promoting LGBT and gender ideology. These plans were effectively blocked in 2008 on the EU level. At present lobby of LGBT, however, is trying to enforce these postulates on the ground of particular countries. They have already been rejected by the English and Irish, and the Austrians recently.

In the opinion of lawyers from the Legal Centre OrdoIuris, the Polish project radicalizes the anti-discriminatory law. The novelization will cause disorders of sexual identity, such as transvestitism and transsexualism, protected features, introducing a premise of discrimination because of identity and sexual expressiveness. This project also envisages a cooperation of state and self-governing organs with homosexual organizations (LGBT) in the sphere of realizing the so-called anti-discriminatory programs.

In connection with broadening the term of harassment, it leads to an unprecedented privilege of the LGBT organization, which will be able to sue all subjects presenting content inconsistent with their view. In the opinion of Jacek Sapa from the Centre for Support of Initiatives for Life and Family – an organizer of the protest action – in practice it will mean fighting pro-family attitudes and promoting deviant behaviours for our money. Therefore, it is worth giving signatures under the protest (attached to the current edition of ‘Niedziela’ – look insert), which will be sent to the marshal of the Sejm Ewa Kopacz. On the website: over 53 thousand people have already expressed their opposition.

In the first reading, the Sejm reacted to this act positively. At present the novelization, with a majority of votes, was sent to the Commission of Justice and Human Rights. – We should answer the three basic questions – suggests Jacek Sapa: - Do we want to allow media to promote more sexual behaviours, being afraid of discrimination and financial responsibility? Secondly: Do we want to allow for a situation in which our every critical opinion about homosexual groups can become a basis for accusation of discrimination? And finally: Do we want to allow for a situation in which our children will be forced to take part in classes run by the so-called sex-educators, promoting ‘various visions of sexuality’, and whatever opposition will be considered as an act of discrimination for which one will be punished? If not, we should protest against it. We can fill in and send the attached petition. Together we can stop the dictatorship of the minority!


"Niedziela" 48/2013

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: