On 1-8 February 2014 bishops from all Polish dioceses were making a pilgrimage to Rome within the visit ‘Ad limina apostolorum’. They were praying in Roman basilicas, talking with the Holy Father Francis and reporting the situation of the Church in our Homeland, they were also taking part in important meetings in Vatican offices. ‘Niedziela’ was accompanying our bishops in this important event.

What is worth special noting, is the online report of the visit ‘Ad limina’ on: www.niedziela.pl . The portal of ‘Niedziela’ places audio materials which contain statements of Polish bishops after their meetings with pope Francis and visits in Vatican dicasteries.

These comments, often including emotions, are pronounced ‘in live’, reflect the atmosphere and the issues of the visit ‘Ad limina apostolorum’. For many bishops it was the first pilgrimage of this kind.

On the website ‘Niedziela’ we can find registered statements of bishops and a rich service of photos. Thanks to the presence of our accredited correspondent in Rome and Vatican – Fr. Paweł Rytel – Andrianik, and also work of the internet editors of ‘Niedziela’ we could place information connected with this issue on the regular basis. They are quoted by other mass media, including the foreign ones, and they are the source of knowledge about ‘Ad limina apostolorum’ of Polish bishops.



"Niedziela" 7/2014

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl