The statement was registered by Jolanta Kobojek

As every year. Archbishop Konrad Krajewski – the papal almoner made a foot pilgrimage from Łódź to Częstochowa. On the day of the entering of the pilgrimage Jasna Góra – on 24 August, a reporter of ‘Niedziela’ managed to get to him and conduct an interview for our weekly. Archbishop Krajewski said among the others: - A call of the foot pilgrimage from Łódź were the words: ‘Jesus, I trust You’, so, during this pilgrimage I was asking for deepening this great trustfulness to Jesus, even when it is humanly illogical and not from this world. In my heart I was also carrying my private intentions and intentions of all those people who had asked me for it, and, first of all, of those whom I serve and to whom I was sent by pope Francis, that is, to those who are in a bad situation especially on the territory of Rome. First of all, I remember about the Eritreans, African people who arrive in the Eternal City massively, sometimes in groups of thousand people a day. There was also one particular intention because when I was saying goodbye to the Pope, the Holy Father said: ‘Please, walk a piece of the pilgrimage route for me’. And I think that it was just this day when we strongly experienced wind and rain. It was just that day which was very difficult.

The Pope who knew very well that I made pilgrimages, when he was appointing me an almoner, said clearly: ‘If you were to resign from the folk religiousness, from which you grew up, what you have brought from home, you had better not accept this function’.

He went on explaining, and added: ‘The religiousness has formed you and you cannot cut off what is your breath, your life’. And in July, when I returned after a week of the first part of my holiday, the Pope asked: ‘You have participated in a pilgrimage, haven’t you?’. I said: ‘Not now yet, until in August. I am not going to be on the pilgrimage twice’. So, he remembered it very well. He wants all this good which formed me, to be still present in my life’.


"Niedziela" 35/2014

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl