‘If the Russians are willing for a war, then we must pack our things and leave for Australia’ – these are words said by a founder of the Civil Platform party Andrzej Olechowski, who was a Foreign Affairs minister of Poland. The second founder of the Civil Platform party, Donald Tusk, emigrated to Brussels and recently he has been thinking about a possibility of Greece leaving the euroland, than about issues in the East and the situation there is gaining more attention. There are loud discussions about a possible scenario in which Russia is attacking Poland. Referring to a possible aggression, another former politician of the Civil Platform party has already announced that he would not fight for the country saying that ‘it is better to surrender than pursue a war’. Certainly, he does not mind applying for the post of the president of the Polish Republic in the forthcoming elections. Maybe he is still, as once Leszek Miller said, ‘in the state of mindless bewilderment’. And in what condition is the main candidate of the Civil Platform Bronisław Komorowski for the most important post in the country? Indeed he boasts about his experience, that he was, among the others, a national defence minister, and his main motto was safety, but not only the opposition but also cameras caught the candidate asleep. It may turn out that he will not wake up in the right moment. The Polish society is showing vigilance in a bottom-up way. It was even noticed by foreign media, writing about a kind of ‘a spill’ of paramilitary organizations in Poland, like Shooter, Academic League, League of Country Protection, and even Gymnastic Society ‘Falcon’, powered with enormous groups of volunteers. It is estimated that defence training beside military structures are carried out by about 120 organizations, which train over half a million of young people. They want to fight for Poland. Many of them declare their willingness to devote their life for Homeland, which is the supreme degree of patriotism. ‘You do not want the ‘brothers’ from Moscow to pay you an unexpected visit? Join the modern Territorial Defence’ – the Territorial Defence from Lublin. What moods of young Polish citizens differ from the character of the spirit of Civic Platform leaders, who would like to leave for Australia.

However, they must remember that it is not safe also there. A big danger are wild and aggressive kangaroos jumping, even in the capital city of this country. Maybe, at least this fact will raise willingness of self-defence in politicians of the Civil Platform party.


„Niedziela” 13/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: