The first step on the way to a legal sanctioning normality

Mother, Father and Children – is the name of a new European Civilian Initiative which has just been submitted in the European Commission. Basing on a suitable text of the Lisbon Treaty, whose purpose is bringing the Union closer to citizens, nine people submitting it, made the first formal step on the way to sanctioning normality. They want ‘a unitary definition of family’ be accepted in the European Union, which means a permanent relation of a woman and a man. Certainly, they did not forget about children being a fruit of a marriage. Initiators want the notion of a marriage and family be secured on the ground of the European law against redefinition and spreading it onto other relations, for example, of the same-sex couples. Indeed in many countries of Europe, like, for example, in Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania and Latvia, in the supreme legal acts it was written that a marriage is a relation of a woman and a man and that family is the basic social element under protection, in other membership countries of the EU, like, among the others, in Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Spain, in France, the notion of a marriage was formally stretched onto single-sex couples. It causes chaos because what can Poland do when two men are getting married to each other in Belgium and will arrive in our country, demanding rights which belong to normal married couples? European regulations towards the postulations of the European Civilian Initiative Mother, Father and Children appears as the basic one. However, it goes across the persistently promoted gender ideology – ideology which aims at replacing the natural sexes with the so-called cultural sexes. It promotes an idiotic thesis that it is possible to choose one’s sex, and this choice is conditioned with the surrounding in which we are brought up. The road will not be easy. What is more, initiators are going to face a kind of a EU ‘health path’, which has been taken by many other European initiatives, like the European Civilian Initiative ‘One of us’. The last one collected over a million of signatures in a required number of membership countries, and has gone through all procedures and, anyway, finally the European Commission rejected them contemptuously. But it turned out that it was and is worth. The UNO announced the last year as the Year of Family. In Rome the bishops’ synod about familly, commented all over the world, has just finished. During the debates pope Francis announced inclusion of Ludwik and Zelia Martin – a married couple, parents of St. Theresa of Jesus the Baby into the group of the saints. They were unusual parents who had nine children. In fact, they were Mother, Father and Children.


„Niedziela” 44/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: