Relocation of 160 thousand refugees, imposed by Germany on all EU countries nearly by force, got stuck in a dead point.

The chief of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker ‘got sad about the result of the Dutch referendum’. The Dutch expressed their attitude against an association contract of the European Union with Ukraine. This Act is not essential for the Dutch government but it will be difficult to ignore it. There is a strong opinion that the Dutch have opted against the European unity, whereas it has been bursting for a long time. The main reason is migration policy.

Most European countries do not want to accept immigrants or refugees. Indeed four countries of the Visegrad Group are stigmatized, that is, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech, but in practice a similar attitude is also presented by the others, for example: Spain, France and Holland. Relocation of 160 thousand refugees, imposed by Germany on all EU countries nearly by force, got stuck in a dead point. According to various information sources, for half a year it was possible to deploy nearly from 900 to 4.5 thousand people. Spain which is accused of ‘lack of political will’ in realization of obligatory relocation, so far has accommodated only 18 people. Despite appeals for community attitude to protection of Europe borders, it is difficult to anticipate unity. Austria is sending an army to the border with Italy in fear of the wave of immigrants because of closing down the Balkan route. The Austrian government is going further and is building a wall on the pass of Brenner. Actions of the Austrians are criticized by the European Commission. So, one can guess that its chief – the mentioned Juncker is ‘sad’ again. The answer of Austria is short: ‘It is political necessity’. Closing down this segment of the border worries the Swiss. Their country will be the only estuary for the wave of migrants. So, they announced sending 2 thousand soldiers to the border with Italy. Migration policy also divides the German society. The former chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl, included to leaders of European unity, criticizes migration policy of Angela Merkel and officially support the prime minister of Hungary Viktor Orban, whom he calls his friend. Indeed the official motto of the European Union is: ‘united in variety’, however, one can see with a bare eye that the variety definitely prevails over the unity.


„Niedziela” 18/2016

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl