The Lent is over. So, it is high time for our examination of conscience. Also Polish politicians should stand up in the whole truth, especially in the most important issue which is human life. For MPs decide about the further fate of the weakest Poles. These are unborn children, whose life may be aborted for eugenic reasons in the majesty of law now. The number of abortions in Poland is growing. In 2002 there were 82 of them, and in 2011 – 620 already. It is estimated that at present in Polish hospitals, because of suspected illness or defect of the fetus, 3 people are killed legally every day. It is 95 per cent of all abortions. Kaja Godek - a mother of a child with Down syndrome, and who is the most recognizable pro-life activists now, concludes that the worst danger for the man in his initial phase of life becomes….a prenatal medical examination. Its result may be a verdict. In the case of suspecting a defect, a woman often hears a suggestion from a doctor that she ‘should do something with an ill fetus’.

Another chance for stopping the cruel procedure of killing unborn children is just now. Let’s recall that we have submitted a record number of – over 830 thousand signatures which express our support for the initiative ‘Stop abortion’. We are surprised to accept the fact that the Commission of Social Policy and Family to which our civilian bill draft was submitted, does not intend to deal with it for the nearest half a year. Not knowing why, this bill draft was passed over to other commission to be evaluated, that is, it was deep-frozen for some time. So, the procedure necessary to consider this bill draft by the Seym is getting prolonged. This is a fatal delay as ill children are still being killed. Awaiting the decision of the Commission of Social Policy and Family, its chairperson has already been reelected. A new chief is Bożena Borys-Szopa. Now this is her to whom we should address our appeals for immediate beginning legislation work on the initiative ‘Stop abortion’. It can be done through a form available at: http//citizengo.org/pl/contacto. The action of sending letters mobilizing politicians to work in defence of life is addressed by the Association CitizenGO.

The initiative ‘Stop abortion’ has been fully supported by the Polish Episcopal Conference since the beginning. In a message from the plenary meeting in March we read: ‘Reminding about the necessity of unconditional respect owed to every human being in all moments of their existence (see ‘Dignitas personae’, 10). bishops appeal for immediate beginning legislation work on the initiative ‘Stop abortion’. At Polish convents there is complete prayer mobilization. Contemplative and active convents are praying for parliamentarians, so that they would be courageous to stand up for every conceived life. We hope that in the year of the 40th anniversary of election of John Paul II as pope – the greatest defenders of human life we will save the unborn. 24 March is the National Day of Life – which is also binding. particularly the nation leaders. Or maybe we will see the happy final on the Day of Life Holiness which is celebrated on 9 April this year. Poland wants to live, so we are asking our MPs not to allow for giving verdicts sentencing the unborn to death but to save them as soon as possible.

Translated by Aneta Amrozik

Niedziela 12/2018 (25 III 2018)

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl