Mirosław Piotrowski

At once Donald Tusk and Frans Timmermans trembled from outrage, which resonated on Twitter. Tusk stated that the president of the USA popularized fake news, and Timmermans was expressing his grief that ‘calling his best friends enemies only makes your real enemies happy’. I do not think that Donald Trump read it. And does he associate their surnames at all? Probably more the chief of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, but he was indisposed during the visit of Trump in Brussels. Sciatica – is the reason for an odd behavior of Juncker, which was given by the spokesman of the European Commission. However, some people do not believe. Strange guesses. Ugh! So, it is necessary to reach for the classics: ‘Sincerity in our club is a norm’ – said the chairman Ryszard Ochódzki in a famous comedy ‘Miś’. Briefly speaking: sincerity for sincerity? During the former visit of the tenant of the White House in Brussels Juncker was full of humour. He stated, among the others, that Tusk – and his post – is needless in the Union. As I remember Trump was reserved to both of them. Indeed Juncker had been to Russia before and met with Vladimir Putin there. Yes, yes, despite sanctions imposed on Russia. And here handshake, a photography, a press conference. Soon Putin was reelected a president of Russia, whoever else might have hurried with congratulations than Juncker…Till today he has had his vision of cooperation of the Union with Russia. And weren’t the celebration and speech of Juncker in Trewira on the occasion of the full birth anniversary of Karol Marx an accidental ‘wink’ at Putin? Juncker said then that ‘all democrats can be Marxists’. And what about relations with the USA? It is better not to remind of affronts of EU officials and politicians done to Donald Trump after the recent presidential elections. But before that it was not better at all. In its assumption, the Union wanted to be a competitor for the USA, which, unfortunately, took on a form of hostile. I have been observing it in the European Parliament for a few dozen years. And what would be appointing a special commission for CIA in our chamber? In fact it served to prove the breach of the international law by the USA on the area of the European Union. And because, by the way, it weakened a fight with terrorism, practically not joining it, well…

So, can it be stated that Donald Trump verbally exaggerated whether he hit the nail on the head? One thing is certain – Eurocrats felt hurt.

Translated by Aneta Amrozik

Niedziela 31/2018 (5 VIII 2018)

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl