Standing out in independence is a desire of generations. Watching the history of Poland, besides its unquestionable days of glory and great heroism, one cannot, however, omit actions deprived of a vision of a better future, what is more – there are lots of examples of corrupt people – ordinary traitors who inscribed themselves with a disgrace on the history cards of homeland. Unfortunately, this all together creates the history of the nation and influences the social awareness, also the awareness of independence.

We feel problems with independence also now, when there is not an official oppressor of the nation like at the times of the Polish People’s Republic, when we were told untruth that we were independent. We are officially an independent country towards all other countries, and one of the important European nations open to the world. But we also see that people who were the elite in the previous regime, are impudently showing off in our parliament. There are surely forces which cannot accept with the fact that we succeeded. As a nation, we must cope with them, first of all, remembering that they did not stop existing with our regaining freedom and they still want to break our unity, make our life difficult, multiply our problems and causing mutual distrust.

However, since the year 1989 there have already been 24 years and we should perceive what is Poland. Whereas we do not succeed in it, we cannot cope with basic definitions, we have overvalued basic issues – what used to be considered as human weaknesses, a sin, moral shallowness, now we take as a purpose of our strivings, not knowing where there is a boundary of our political – economic compromises.

Looking more carefully at the European Union, whose members we are now, we notice that there is a kind of a mutual-influence system, that many important matters for the nation are destroyed by the EU regulations. We are restricted by various provisions given us as benefits, but, in fact, they bring advantages to somebody else. There is an opinion that the Union is beneficial for us. But this Union does not give us anything for free, and, it also sets requirements, scolding and punishing, if we are not fulfilling them. Punishment takes place with the usage of money – decreased grants or omission them – and it is very painful, especially in a situation of poverty and a lack of real possibilities. After all, we see that big groups of young people, who are clever and educated, are leaving for Western countries but not for holiday (although some of them are), but – similarly as in the XIX century – for work.

So, shouldn’t we all, especially politicians governing Poland for the years of the so-called regained freedom do an honest examination of conscience? We owe it to the nation, to this ordinary Pole who finds it more and more difficult to make both ends meet, who finds it difficult to afford medical treatment, who is neglected in offices, who finds it more and more difficult to fight for his rights. We should ask our industry – coal-mines, steel works, shipyards, sugar factories, textile factories about economy, agriculture and a status of a farmer, about what is happening with our culture today which has contributed so much to the world wealth. We must notice the state of Polish education, a way of upbringing children and the youth, who are offered gender ideology in various ways, and what is mocking at what has given us strength and made us noble so far.

Therefore, today the question about independence appears as a very important one. So, paraphrasing the words of Józef H. Pawlikowski, a secretary of Tadeusz Kościuszko, asking a bitter question: ‘Can Poles stand out in independence?, we must ask people who are engaged politically and have influence on the fate of our country: Did Poland really stand out in independence during the interwar period? Do Poles feel their independence? Are they aware of being citizens of the country which is strong and capable of providing the public safety? Here I also mean Poles abroad, including Poles in the Eastern countries. They are our brothers who also have a right for independence. The Polish minority in Germany should also have their rights in this country as well as the Polish minority is favoured by the Polish law, guaranteeing the presence in the parliament and grants for this group of citizens. Unfortunately, neither Poles nor the prime minister Mazowiecki managed to gain rights for the Polish minority in Germany – and this is an extremely important problem, as over 2 million Poles live there.

All this constitute the independence of the nation and is reflected in everyday of life of citizens, and their families. If a family must fight for survival or is overwhelmed by the compulsory work abroad, it finds difficult to experience independence of their country…

So, in order to stand out in independence, we need farsightedness of those who are taking over the authority, also good structures of the country are needed, as well as honest people and persistent organic work, determined by the good of all citizens. However, in order to achieve it, it is necessary for Poles to go to electoral urns and elect honest, righteous and wise people for the parliament and self-governments. An electoral card is a very important tool in the hands of every Pole which should express our conscience and patriotism as best as possible, as well as sincere desire for independence of our country.


"Niedziela" 46/2013

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl