FR. IRENEUSZ SKUBIŚ, The Honourable Editor-in-Chief of ‘Niedziela’

In the presidential campaign there were personalities of various candidates for the post of the state head. Some of them presented themselves as quite unique, others – as short-tempered people, others could not resist from attacking the Church and believers. Summing up, one can state that the Polish home is broken apart, as much as the family is broken apart with a divorce. Divorce has a far-going consequences, not only for the very families, but also for the whole society. During the presidential campaign, especially during a TV debate, it was similar: the nation got divided into various groups represented by particular parties. It could be natural if it was not for sins of hypocrisy and pride, searching for one’s own interests in the public life, or maybe even influences from outside which need to be enforced in the Polish parliament, in ministries and in the government. These sins are being hidden by the fashionable word ‘piar’. Piar became something particularly important, and even leading in essential issues for the state and the nation, is omnipresent in mass media.

Whereas how often we deal with an ordinary lie, hypocrisy and dishonesty.

Because of the race to the presidential chair, some issues were made public. It was also possible to notice groups of perverse journalists who do not serve to the truth. In their texts, TV and radio programmes and way of conducting talks there is lack of objectivism, but there is low level and bad intentions. So, there appears a question about the essence of its work and about its purpose – the social welfare as well as inner welfare of every journalist, his fulfilled mission as a man – God’s child.

John Paul II was right when he appealed to Poles in Skoczów for people of conscience – righteous, reliable people who want welfare of the nation. We see exhausted economy, a ruined country in its structures, we are experiencing consequences of sales of enterprises, infirmities of health care, education and upbringing. It will not be healed by people who do not listen to the voice of conscience or those who leave rules of living with faith behind the doors of their cabinets. Therefore, we must learn love to our neighbours which equals to the welfare of the nation. We must live according to the world of the supreme values, so that we would not be overwhelmed by shallowness and evil which lead to loss. We all are obliged to form the Polish conscience honestly and well.


„Niedziela” 20/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl