Apparitions in Fatima is a warning for the world engrossed in big mistakes. When a hundred years ago Mary appeared to the three Portugese little shepherds, there was the first world war, called a suicide of Europe by Benedict XV. It was when the Holy Father added the invocation to the Litany of Loreto: ‘Queen of Peace, pray for us’. Portugal, being one of the most religious countries, became a country overwhelmed by freemasonry. Europe was overwhelmed by aggressive atheism, there was outraging hatred to Church, there was a fight for the soul of the world. During freemasonry demonstrations in the streets, for example, in Rome, it was proclaimed that satan would reign in Vatican, and pope would be his servant.

It was the first time on 13 May 1917 when Our Lady had appeared to the three little shepherds and then She used to visit them every month. She asked the children to say the Rosary prayer in intention of peace every day and accept sufferings as an atonement for the sins of the world. In the apparition which took place on 13 July 1917, She showed the children the hell, and explained that in order to save sinners from it, it was necessary to introduce an expiatory religious service to Her Immaculate Heart. Only when people accepted the call of Mary and fulfill the requirements, would a lot of souls be saved and the war would end. Otherwise there would be a more terrible war from the previous one. The Fatima children heard it was necessary to entrust Russia to the Heart of Mary, in order to prevent spreading its mistakes all over the world. In the current edition of ‘Sunday’ we write about how Our Lady wanted Russia to be entrusted to Her in relation to Bolshevik revolution developing then. Communistic ideology negated every commandment of the Decalogue, even League of Atheists was set up. Christian churches were being destroyed, there were mass murders. Fighting atheistic communism was to overwhelm whole Europe. It was decided to destroy Church with corruption of customs. Its sign were, among the others, Commissariats of Free Love where accidental people were forced to sexual intercourse.

During the apparitions, the Fatima children also found out that the Holy Father would suffer. And there came the day of 13 May 1981 when in the eyes of the world Ali Agca gave a shot at John Paul II. A year after the assassination the Pope took the bullet, removed from his body, to Fatima, and it was placed in the crown of the Fatima statue of Our Lady. The Holy father said then: ‘The worst obstacle on a man’s way to God is a sin, being in a sin, and finally denunciation of god’. Having returned from Fatima, John Paul II referred to the mistakes against which the Fatima Lady had warned humankind. He clearly indicated the danger for the nations of the world related to apostasy and moral degradation. Three years after the assassination, on 25 March 1984, the Polish Pope fulfilled the request of the Fatima Lady and entrusted Russia to Her. He called in Rome then: ‘Mary, help us initiate the New World, because the Old one is unjust, harasses us and raises fear in us’. Also cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had a lot of contribution in uncovering and interpreting Fatima mysteries, when being first a prefect of Congregation of Faith Teaching and then as pope Benedict XVI. Now, on the 100th anniversary of the apparitions, pope Francis is going to Fatima to remind us that implementing indications of Our Lady revealed in Fatima is a rescue for the world and can be our key to Heaven.


„Niedziela” 20/2017

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl