News from Saint Irenaeus Student Center Parish

Aleksander Walewski

For a long time we have not published any news from the first, in Poland and our diocese, student center parish, which was given the status of a 'personal parish'. Some very important integration events have occurred in this community, which is being built. After the square had been blessed and a copy of the cross of the World Youth Day had been put up the students received more gifts. The abbot of Jasna Gora gave them a copy of the miraculous icon of our Lady of Czestochowa and a vigil candle. So the center has already had three important signs relating to the symbols of the 6th World Youth Day in Czestochowa: the cross, Mary's icon and candle. The blessing of the Holy Father John Paul II was an important day for the community. On 12 December 2004, Father Andrzej Przybylski, parish priest of St Irenaeus Bishop and Martyr Student Center, was at an audience with the Holy Father and received his blessing for the construction of the building and formation of the community. John Paul II was pleased to hear about the first student center parish in Czestochowa. He admired the idea and wished the community much success.
The construction work is going on all the time. We should remember that the house has been completely reconstructing because we must transform it into a center with a chapel and meeting halls for students. We change the windows and the entire installation. The work is not done very quickly because of limited financial possibilities. A student center parish cannot depend on students' donation. Therefore, we want to appeal to many people of good will. The editorial board of 'Niedziela' is giving us great help. They gave us the Totus award they had received during the celebration of the Papal Day.
We have still a lot of expenses and work. However, we have confidence that this investment is necessary because we should help young people who will constitute the elite of our region in several years' time. The center must be constructed in order to rescue from spiritual death and secularization as many students as possible. Over 2,000 students live in the dormitories and it is worthy to make the effort to build the center for them so that they do not paradoxically lose their faith while studying in the shadow of the Jasna Gora Shrine.

Our address:
Personalna Parafia Akademicka pw. sw. Ireneusza BM,
ul. Kilinskiego 132, 42-200 Czestochowa,
Bank account: Citi Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S. A.,
Oddzial w Czestochowie,
Account number: PLN 95103015820000000854026003
EUR 23103015820000000854026038
USD 73103015820000000854026011

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: