Robe of Dedication

Boguslaw Olszonowicz

On 23 August 2005 an amber covering (traditionally called a dress) for the Mother of God Queen of Poland was transported from the studio of Mariusz Drapikowski, artist from Gdansk, to Jasna Gora. The unique journey was accompanied with emotions, and first of all with prayers of many people connected with this work. The day before the departure numerous people came to the studio, where the amber-and-diamond Dress of Dedication had been created, to see that special votive gift. Everybody who saw this covering, which is said 'to be written in amber', was full of admiration not only for the master Drapikowski but also for his collaborators who were also emotionally involved in this work. 'Isn't it a sign of Divine Providence that the dress for Mary, being her Dress of Dedication Totus Tuus, is being created in such a unique place?' said Fr Kazimierz Wojciechowski, parish priest in the Church of Divine Providence in Gdansk-Zaspa; the studio of Mariusz Drapikowski is located in the parish.
This place contains another essential element of symbolic unity with the Holy Father John Paul II because it is only several meters away from the square in which the Polish Pope celebrated Mass for the world of work at the memorable ship-shaped altar on 12 June 1987. And it was exactly from that place on 23 August, at noon, with the bells ringing at the Angelus, when Mariusz Drapikowski got into a car after having said the prayer. Earlier the covering for Mary had been placed in a special case in the car. The unique journey began. Besides the artist there were four of his collaborators. The extraordinary situation made them speak mainly about all the matters concerning the dress. 'I have done everything to make it very good but it will occur only on the spot if all is OK', Mariusz said. After a while we all said prayers for a successful end, without any unpleasant surprises.
The journey was very good although the traffic from Gdansk to Lodz was very heavy and we feared we would be late for the meeting with the Pauline fathers at Jasna Gora. Mariusz overtook cars on the road and after a few hours we were approaching the spiritual capital of Poland. We did not even have problems in Krosniewice where there had been road works for several weeks. We thought it was certain that Mary helped us. And it really was the case. We did notice that policemen took off the caps suddenly when the car with the dress for the Mother of God passed by the police patrols as if they had the pretext to tidy their hair or wipe their sweaty brows. A few kilometers before Torun, where the road was along the railway track, the passing train suddenly sounded the horn as if playing a fanfare. We wondered, 'Was it a sheer coincidence...'
At 8.00 p.m. we arrived at the courtyard of Jasna Gora. We were welcomed by Fr Bogdan Waliczek, OSPPE, prior of the Jasna Gora monastery.

* * *

Our Lady of Jasna Gora,
Receive the sign of the amber dress,
Thankgiving for Your love,
For Your presence among us.
The robe - symbol of dedication
We are offering at Your feet today
So as to follow the simplest path of life
With the papal 'Totus Tuus'.

The text was written during the trip with the Dress of Dedication from Gdansk to Czestochowa on 23 August 2005.

"Niedziela" 36/2005

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: