
Is there a chance that a cable train to Kasprowy Mount would remain in the Polish hands? After a decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – it is very little

The fact that the company of Altur from Luxebourg, founded by the fund Mid Europa Partners (MEP), may become the owner of the areas, among the others, belonging to the cable train to Kasprowy Mount is the result of a decision which was made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and also bad decisions of self-governments from Podhale, especially the mayor of Zakopane. He did not oppose passing the whole property of cable trains to a company with foreign assets at the time of privatization.

The company Polish Mountain Cable Trains was, indeed, founded by municipality Zakopane and three neighbouring municipalities, but it was the fund of Ministry of Environment Protection which gave an enormous amount of money for purchase of Polish Cable Railway and played the first fiddle. And it was the fund which became a beneficiary of the consent to taking over cable railway and areas near Kasprowy Mount by the company.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs – justifies itself, that it had not had any influence on entering the foreign capital into subject companies - did not have to make a decision, which it had made, but it happened. It causes outrage of highlanders – the old owners of the areas near Kasprowy Mount, which were expropriated in connection with building the railway.

A firm from Luxembourg is likely to become a new owner of railway and property near Kasprowy Mount. Although self-governments consider accusing the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the decision, it is not known whether they will have a right to it; like the former owners of the land in Tatra mountains, who are applying in mass numbers now for regaining land plots. Before that, they did not claim any right to them, but when the railway became private, they changed their mind.


„Niedziela” 5/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl