Letters concerning faith: its essence, main messages and problems with passing it on to others, were written to the communities established by St. Paul, St. Peter, St. John and St. Jacob and their co-operators. They were followed by other evangelizers, among the others: Gregory the Great, St. Klara, St. Catherine, St. Theresa, St. Faustyna…The letters have been being written by popes and bishops till today.

These letters can also be written by the contemporary: priests – to their parishioners, for example on the occasion of priests’ visits at homes, a jubilee of the 25™ or 50™ anniversary of marriage, to candidates of the Confirmation, to those who are leaving for work or studies, to the former parishioners; why on the occasion of the Year of Faith wouldn’t also for example, husband write a letter to his wife working temporarily abroad (or the other way round), father to his daughter or son being on studies, son or daughter to mother or father, grandfather or grandmother to granddaughter/grandson, to neighbors, to a parish priest, to a catechist, to a parliamentarian…

Therefore, in the Year of Faith we announce a contest under the motto ‘A letter in the Year of Faith. WE PASS ON THE GOSPEL TO OTHERS’.

We are waiting for the letters, longer or shorter ones, treating about the problems of faith, about the power coming from faith, about happy moments of its experiencing and about its crisis, about your participation in a community of a parish, family, religious group, association or brotherhood, about the ways of mutual passing on the treasure of faith among one another in family, about cultivating traditions, about your favourite prayers, about following the examples of faith – especially about what is a testimony of engaging oneself in evangelization of people living near us.

Awards for prize-winners of the contest – separately in the category: priests and: faithful laymen:
I award – a pilgrimage to Rome;
Two other awards – a statue of blessed John Paul II.

The works signed with a motto or a nickname, including an attached envelope under the same motto and including personal data with an address, telephone number or e-mail and CD with e-text should be sent till 31 January 2013 to the address of the editorial office of the ‘Sunday’, with a note: ‘Contest’.

The detailed rules of the contest are on the website:


"Niedziela" 2/2013

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: