It is many months since the European Union, that is, its politicians, has been elaborating a plan of common actions concerning refugees. The latter ones are arriving more and more onto the front borders of the Union. The alarm is being raised not only by the Italy which is endangered by it the most, but also Hungary, Greece, Germany, France and Great Britain. EU decision-makers are debating, as usually, sharing money amounts for refugees among particular countries, whereas, real life is going on aside. Hungary has taken the most spectacular issues into its hands, which started building a four-meter-high barbed fence on the border with Serbia. It is supposed to be 175 metres long. Attacks by media are being fought by the authorities of this country with the statement that they are simply securing the outer borders of the Union. In fear of terrorists, also Turkey, aspiring to EU, is building a barbed wall on the border with Syria. Even in not so far-distanced Tunisia, included in the European Policy of Neighbourhood, a wall is being built on the border with Lebanon. Decisions of the Union and European governments in the issue of immigration (and, in fact, lack of them) undoubtedly diverge from social expectations. In Germany, which is to accept 800 thousand refugees during one year, there are protests and demonstrations as well as arsons of centres for refugees. Only in the first half of the year were two hundred speeches against refugees registered. And this is only a foretaste of the EU immigration pseudo-policy. Now this is the beginning of problems in the Czech and Poland, which are not able to meet refugees’ extremely raised expectations. In fear of the influx of immigrants from France, the Great Britain ‘surrounds itself’ from this country. It is going to build a surrounding fence around entrances to the Eurotunnel running under the canal La Manche. It is officially called ‘strengthening the border’ with France, on which London has already spent 12 million pounds. We can hear more often that one of the basic pillars of the European Union is seriously endangered, that is, a free migration of people. But what is happening to other pillars, for example, the Common Foreign Policy? Well, we can only look at Estonia which… is planning to build a 2.5 – metre barbed wall on the border with Russia. Briefly speaking, we are surrounding ourselves, while we should come out. It must be clearly said that we are not able to let in millions of refugees to our country. Therefore, EU countries should be active in Northern Africa, and other parts of the world, by helping in solving problems there. Not only the UNO, but first of all European missionaries effectively help children, the poor, the ill, the uneducated, for example, in Africa, but they are not taking them to Europe, nor even on a trip. On the basis of this observing the situation, the chief of the European Council should base plans and the initiative of the EU immigration policy. But, well, at present he is probably absorbed in shuffling electoral lists of the Civic Platform party.


„Niedziela” 36/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl