Life must be loved


As we know the motto of this year’s pastoral ministry is ‘Let us care for life.’ This concern should especially reach the most threatened conceived human life that is growing and is a human being from its very beginning, created by Lord God in his image and likeness, and should embrace the whole human life until its natural end. Man was called into life so that he could reach the gate of heaven. This is the way we could briefly sketch the way of human life on earth, which we are to care for. Therefore, it was with great pain that we looked at what was going on in the Gaza Strip, and what is still going on in other regions of the world where people die as results of conflicts and wars. ‘You shall not kill’ is the fifth commandment of the Decalogue that concerns human life. But the facts of the crime committed on man take place. The 20th century was gloomy and dark in this respect. It is said to be a century of death. Millions of people were killed and even more people suffered pain. The documents saying that some had to dig graves for themselves are horrifying. The pictures of the Russian criminals who shot people in the back of the head evoke horror. These are the people on whose breasts one can see medals...Similar things have happened in the 21st century. When we look at this battlefield we must state with great pain and feeling of misfortunate that our earth is a big valley of tears caused by breaking God’s commandments... It is with concern that we reflect on human life today. We must continue to make people’s conscience respectful for life and we must do our best for its potential growth and development. It is easiest to talk about life on the example of a baby, innocent and smiling, that will become an adult in several years. We all love children; we watch them grow and we want them to become wonderful people, worthy of utmost admiration through their deeds deserving great respect and being examples for others. The measure of man’s growth as a follower of Christ is he himself, his Person, life and the work of love, and we should grow to such a measure. One must admire such a model of man. One must kneel before such a man. Therefore, we need to show care for man, his maturity, spiritual growth so that he becomes a good and responsible citizen of the world, a child of God. Man who is to mature to greatness, to inner beauty, should be the purpose of the activities of families, schools and all other educational institutions. That’s why human life from its very beginning should be embraced with love. Thinking more intensively about America today we must notice the merits of President George W. Bush who established the National Sanctity of Human Life Day in America (celebrated on 18 January).
God, Yahweh, appeals to all Christians, followers of Islam and Jews, ‘You will not kill!’ Killing someone is a terrible sin. God will remember every innocent life and woe to those who annihilate it. Since life belongs to God; it is his gift offered to his creation. Whoever destroys this gift acts against God. Let us also remember in this context about the publicised case of Eluana Englaro and similar cases when people want to decide about life or death. Let us continue to make those who do not understand this aware of the fact that life, especially the lives of the weak, the sick, those being in danger, must be only protected, helped in growth and embraced with love – never the other way round!

"Niedziela" 8/2009

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: