Bathed in the light of the Resurrection


The drama of Good Friday had a strong impact on the awareness of Christ’s disciples. It even erased from their memory his last words on the cross, ‘It is accomplished’ (John 19:30). They were horrified by what had happened. They believed in his power and could not imagine that he would be arrested, sentenced to death, scourged and tortured, and that he would die on the appalling cross. He who could deal with various adversities, who controlled the powers of nature, died being tortured by man’s hatred...
And here the Apostles, and all of us with them, became the witnesses of the extraordinary event: Christ is risen!
The news about Christ’s resurrection confused the Pharisees and all who participated in the execution of Jesus. They used bribery to change the facts and spread the news that the disciples had stolen Jesus’ body away. The disciples were dispersed, fearful and completely bewildered. Only when they learnt that the Lord was alive, when they experienced his presence (he dined with them, explained the Scriptures, came in although the door was closed), the faith in his divinity was their strength. Since that time their most important message was the fact of Jesus’ resurrection. Because they became convinced that eternal life, about which Jesus spoke, really existed. ‘If Christ has not been raised then our preaching is useless and your believing it is useless’, St Paul said (1 Cor 15:14).
The truth about Jesus’ resurrection builds a new, salvific awareness. By his resurrection Jesus opened heaven – the land of eternal life – for man. He also confirmed all his teachings, showing all events his disciples experienced from a different perspective. Now they wondered about their lack of understanding. In the light of the resurrection all facts assumed a new meaning.
Jesus’ disciples shared the joy of his resurrection. We also share this joy, especially when we touch the stone plate where Jesus’ body was laid and when we celebrate Mass in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre...
Experiencing the Lord’s Resurrection we should look at life differently, look at all its events. The Resurrected Jesus wants to be light for us. He enters the darkness of human soul and doubts and gives new dynamism; gives strength thanks to which man revives his hope and behaves differently.
If Christ is risen we will be risen, too. Since resurrection has the dimension of the action of God himself, God who is the Creator of the new.
Christianity bathes its reflection in the event of the Resurrection that is the key to understand the sense of human life. This is the vivid truth of our faith that gives the hope of eternal life. This hope is also anchored in the great truth of God’s mercy.
So may the Resurrected Christ fill our hearts with this Easter joy and hope that will make our lives radiant and be our strength when our cross comes.

"Niedziela" 14/2010

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: