In my life I meet people who proudly say that they are life defenders. These are people very engaged in pro-life movements which are playing an invaluable role in our times for the sake of the defence of conceived life. Thanks to those people who are organizing meetings, discussions, pilgrimages and prayers in the intention of life defence, the awareness of this problem is increasing in Poland and in the world. The life defence is a kind of option in the social dimension, which says that a human being deserves a special protection from the very conception. The beginning of human life has been marked with identity of this human being, a full and special organisation of a new system from the very beginning. It is a great miracle that through the connection of male and female cells, a new life begins. But, first of all, God the Creator is present at this beginning of life. It is Him who gives the deepest sense to human actions and human love is crowned just with the miracle of life. Even if this love does not exist, God somehow wants to tell the man that in these matters, when a human life is conceived, there should be love, as it is somehow an ontological obligation. Life itself is so beautiful and astonishing that it can be called only a miracle. A human being who has been conceived is directed into realization of the human nature and is appointed for development. This nature has one great characteristic – greatness and wisdom. Nothing which is in human being is accidental – everything is planned and proves the ‘Archmaster’ – as Adam Mickiewicz defined God the Creator. Everyone who will think about a conceived life as a human being, which has already got its strength for its development, they will have a great admiration and respect towards everything what happens with a man and towards his Creator. How many people, who enter the mysteries of creation during such a reflection, get closer to greater faith in God the Creator who maintains everything in His existence; therefore this great work is carried out by life defenders who are taking up a difficult fight for human life. For it is a priority value. Atheists of XX century, especially Lenin, developed the fight against life. They were destroying the life of the unborn and they were killing adults so easily as well. The biggest tragedy was the fact that so many people were convinced about it by them and this tragedy of the humankind is still going on. Hence, life defenders are needed so much. These heroes who struggle with various circumstances in this arch-important matter every day in the defence of the least life – as Fr. Prof. Tadeusz Styczeń used to say. For, this smallest human being is created for love, not for death. Creating, not killing is the vocation for life. This is the only sense of conception – to live. So, we cannot indifferently pass by the problem of destroying the conceived life, by killing the unborn. We would be similar to the torturers from Katyń who did not have any qualms of conscience when they murdered thousands of Poles by shooting them at the back of their heads. We cannot avoid experiencing the shock, when we learn that there are people – also doctors! - who kill a defenceless human being so easily. Don’t they have any awareness... And the so-called feminists who demand their right to kill children...And famous political celebrities, sometimes even admitting to their Christianity and taking the Holy Communion, and at the same time declaring that they accept killing the unborn and they state that the in vitro method should be supported, which, after all, always causes the death of human embryos...Holy Father John Paul II, called Pope – the life defender, took a very definite and explicit attitude here. He named killing the unborn a serious crime. He was worried by careless human attitudes and he demanded respect for a conceived human being, though still unborn. He used to say that the attitude to the unborn is an exam for our humankind. The attitude of John Paul II, his many statements on this issue cannot be neutral for the president of Poland or the prime minister or parliamentarians or senators who create law in our country. God’s law is clear here: Do not kill! We cannot ignore essential and significant matters. An equally important issue is – also in our country – care for the fate of family. The whole family policy should stand now on the highest level. Western Europe understood its mistake. Also Poland should understand it as soon as possible. After all, we have much more deaths than births. 25 March is an important date which mustn’t be omitted. It is a Day of Life Holiness. For it belongs to the holiest values and must be protected. We must say it more strongly and definitely: life must be loved! If it is loved, there will be more respect for everyone in the society, more humanization of life. Christianity is religion of life, it builds civilisation of life, not death. Let this civilisation win in our homeland.


"Niedziela" 13/2012

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: