LIDIA DUDKIEWICZ, The editor-in-chief of ‘Niedziela’

Everything proves that there are attempts to tame our nation with an unknown reality, deprived rooting in Christianity. In addition, there is public breach of constitution. Polish hierarchs have had to react strongly to these scandalous actions. They stood in defence of fundaments on which the Old Continent is built. For, contemporary times is wobbling strongly. Around it, one can see a rush nearly towards destruction, in order to catch the pace with the so-called modern world, in which there is no place for God. – There are still people who are seriously fighting with the cross and the Church, because, like Marx and Lenin, they consider religion, and, especially Christianity, as an obstacle in building ‘a new world’ – says archbishop Stanisław Gądecki. In this way the Chairman of the Polish Episcopal Conference refers to the text of the popular electoral spot of the Civic Platform party with a motif of taking down crosses off walls.

Recently there have been absurd things on the Polish political-medial scene. Politicians and clerks, who represent our country on the international arena, today have a clear trouble with the sign of Christianity. They start showing Poland without the cross. A scandalous example of it is the advertisement spot of the Foreign Ministry. A film broadcast on TV borders with grotesque. It does not show the cross on Giewont mountain, the cross has also been cut off on Teutonic Knights’ banners at Grunwald. So, the absurd is rushing after absurd. Reasonably thinking Poles, who organized the action of signing petitions to the prime minister Kopacz for returning the cross to Giewont, react to it with a tongue in cheek.

Another issue – is attacking the family through public taming with degenerations. The TV advertisement spot ‘The closest strangers’, prepared by the Campaign against Homophobia, met with a strong reaction of archbishop Wacław Depo, the chairman of the Council for Mass Media of the Polish Episcopal Conference. He points to the breach of constitutional order by TVP, concerning protection of the family and an act about Radio and Television Broadcasting, which says that ‘there is a duty of respecting religious beliefs of recipients, especially the Christian system of values’. In the issue of the advertisement spot, legal analysis was elaborated which allows for treating its text in the categories of an ordinary lobbing, as an element of a planned action for the sake of legalization homosexual relationships. For the Seym will deal with the act project about partnership relationships soon. And maybe that is why the bedroom door is being slightly opened, so as to show homosexual tendencies as a ‘different norm’ in the public space.

Summing up, one can ask whether the public television will also accept lobbing into its medial space, for the sake of protection of the beautiful Polish family, especially the one with many children….And will it allow to say that the cross placed on the peak of Giewont mountain by our fathers stands and will stand, comprising the whole land from Tatra mountains to the Baltic sea with its arms. This is Poland and we are not going to change it for any EU money.


„Niedziela” 46/2014

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: