LIDIA DUDKIEWICZ, The Editor-in-Chief of ‘Niedziela’

Recently we have heard very strong words of archbishop Henryk Hoser SAC. He said that Poles had betrayed John Paul II, because pastoral practice concerning marriage and family ‘did not follow his voice, and even did not get to know his teaching’. In an interview for the Catholic News Agency archbishop Hoser noted a more and more difficult situation of family in Europe. Theorists of gender ideology suggest that the world is governed by sexual satisfaction. Gender ideology launched in mass media is a fight against constructive social structures defined as stereotypes, and, first of all with a traditional family –archbishop Hoser warns. Awareness of the essence of marriage sacrament is disappearing. As a result, in Poland about 30 per cent of married couples are getting divorced and the tendency is increasing. Dangerous consequences are also brought about by propaganda caused against large families, considered as pathology, even mocked at in cabarets.

Whereas, on internet portals and tabloids, celebrities living in pathological relationships are created as big stars and modern heroes.

- Ratification of the Europe Council Convention about prevention and fighting violence against women and domestic violence are a sad fact, because it introduces a bad law which creates stray people – said archbishop Stanisław Gądecki.

An attached Member Zbigniew Girzyński expressed his definite opinion against the convention. – Through this convention we participate in murdering our civilization – he said. I quoted these strong opinion in relation to the last scandalous voting in the Seym of the Polish Republic, from which we have not recovered yet. On 6 February 2015, a bill was enacted which allows the president of the Polish Republic to ratify the Europe Council Convention about prevention and fighting violence. In fact, this document leads to anti-Christian cultural revolution whose effect is to be the change of a sexes definition and coercion of introducing legalization of the same-sex partnership relations. – Accepting the convention is a moral tsunami in the educational sphere – says the MP Sławomir Kłosowski. In his opinion, the convention will start initiatives which will endanger our civilization. In practice it is based on the fact that every day a child can be dressed in girl’s or boy’s clothes and made to believe that a boy is a girl and a girl is a boy. And it brings about unpredictable results leading to blurring women’s and men’s roles.

A definite opposition against the convention was expressed on 4 February 2015 in a special statement of the presidium of the Polish Episcopal Conference. Bishops emphasize that ‘it relates the phenomenon of violence with tradition, culture, religion and family, not with mistakes or weaknesses of particular people’. They note that the convention is not aiming at fighting real causes of violence which are: alcoholism, spreading brutal violence and pornography in mass culture, and its assumptions result from the extreme neo-Marxist gender ideology.

We must also note that all this is happening in the Year of St. John Paul II - ‘Pope who made Copernican breakthrough in the sexual ethics, based on love and mutual responsibility, a concept of innovative pastoral ministry of family and modern feminism, accentuating unusual character and real subjectivity of women’! – we read in the statement of the presidium of the Polish Episcopal Conference.


„Niedziela” 7/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: