Lidia Dudkiewicz, The Editor-in-Chief of ‘Niedziela’ (‘Sunday’)

Let’s get to the essence right now. The world appeared from God’s hand and was so created that a man and a woman are two ‘ways’ of being a human being, who are equal to each other. Neither of the two sexes is better or worse. Sex variety was inscribed in the creation act of God. Because ‘it is not good for a man to be alone’ (Gen. 2.18), God created a woman, not another man, in His plan for the common life. This is the basic order of the creation act and the order of nature. ‘Sexes are not something which the man attains or learns. Sexes are something which the man receives. Scientist agree that sexes are defined on the level of genome programming so, it is impossible to choose them’ – this order according to which God arranged the world, was described by Fr. Prof. Waldemar Chrostowski in an essay entitled: ‘Sexes are a gift from God’, included in a book ‘Dictatorship of gender ideology’.

Facing up the scandalous interfering into the life of the youngest members of the society by the gender ideology, which was revealed after signing the LGBT+ Charter by the Warsaw magistrate, it was necessary to protest definitely and repeat what the president of the Law and Justice party said: ‘Keep away from our children!’. Gender ideologists want to arrange a new world to us, in which they will reign not only over our minds but also bodies of young people. They want to adjust the world to their sin. Under a mysterious abbreviation LGBT+ there are hidden notions: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual …It is enough to realize what is implied the gender ideology and how dangerous it is in sexual education.

The world comes up to an absurd. In 2012 in France a law was enacted under which it was forbidden to write the words ‘mother’ or ‘father’ in official documents, but the words ‘parent A’ and ‘parent B’ were introduced. We are more and more aware that a mother or a father were sentenced to imprisonment or a fine for not agreeing to sexual education for their children – it is so in Germany, for instance. It cannot be perceived in any other way than as an action of sexual maniacs. And what is the purpose of signing the LGBT+ Charter in Warsaw – deliberately or not – was revealed by the vice-president of Warsaw Paweł Rabiej. He revealed a strategy and a purpose of gender ideology groups: first the LGBT+ Charter, later marital equality, and then – adoption of children by homosexuals. The consequences which are contradictory with nature of sexualization are presented by Fr. Prof. Dariusz Oko who says: ‘Our culture has changed into a prostitutes’ house in which there is a lot of sex, abortion, venereal diseases’.

Translated by Aneta Amrozik

Niedziela 12/2019 (24 III 2019)

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: