Fr. Prof. Andrzej Baczyński - a master and a friend…

O. MICHAŁ LEGAN OSPPE www.legan.paulini.pl

When he got seriously ill, he set off in his private pilgrimage to Jasna Góra. It was when he told me about his everyday ritual: first the Holy Mass celebrated in the early morning in the collegiate of St. Florian in Cracow and then a coffee from a great coffee-maker (nearly the same as the one in Italy) and a calm, peaceful Rosary with deep reflection. He told me how much he needed it, how close to his master – John Paul II he felt, as it was a papal rosary which he had in his hands. He was so proud that he had such an extraordinary relic.

And he really wanted this clear sign of his priestly entrustment. He gave me the mission of finding as best copy of Jasna Góra icon as possible, in order to look at it during his rosary prayer in the morning. Because he was a man of an image. He understood, unlike others, that God had wanted to speak to us with a sign, that beauty, movement, dramaturgy of events, a Christian testimony, Christian art, culture and heritage of the Church can bring us closer to the Creator and he showed it to the world with great enthusiasm. He conducted evangelization with an image – on TV and through a film.

He served those who, because of their age or a life situation, could not attend the Eucharist on Sunday. He used to bring God their homes. He ‘sent’ Eucharist to thousands of homes, because it was him who was responsible for a lot of broadcastings of celebrations of papal, patriotic and ordinary Sunday Holy Masses from Łagiewniki in a beautiful and professional way. He loved the Church, especially his - in Cracow, as a journalist and media expert and a theologian, he loved the Papal University, he loved Television of Catholic Programs – he devoted a lot of years of his short life to these communities and institutions.

When he gained the copy of Jasna Góra icon, he asked for a possibility of celebrating the Holy Mass in the Chapel of the Miraculous Image at Jasna Góra. At the feet of the altar he was looking at the image of Mary and whispered (I even hear it today) the words: ‘Nothing will reflect this beauty…’

Dear Priest Andrzej! Dear Master and Friend! How patiently you were trying to make a film of God as you really wanted to show Him to everybody. Books, films, TV programs, homilies and lectures – you gave all this to serve the Truth. We do not say farewell to you. We are waiting for a broadcasting from Heaven. We wish you to look at merciful eyes of the Redeemer for the whole eternity. We wish you that through our tears…


„Niedziela” 50/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl