In the end of February 2014 in Częstochowa the Movement of Elections Control was established, whose purpose is controlling presidential and parliamentary elections which are going to take place in 2015, so that there would not be any abuses or suspicions of falsifications. A number of strange phenomena which were revealed during and after the self-governmental elections of autumn 2014 (not only in Silesia, where there was to be an open falsification on the level of the whole province), which tells us to suspect that we live in a country managed by people whom we did not elect. It has terrible consequences of which we are not probably aware – living day by day. So, in order to prevent further impunity of falsifiers of the nation’s will, a group of initiators of the Movement of Elections Control arrived at Jasna Góra, in order to ask Our Lady of Częstochowa in a prayer for Her intercession. It has been hundreds of years since Jasna Góra has been the proverbial last rescue straw for Poles, when, speaking in a human way, there is no hope. It was so in 1655 when Fr. Augustine Kordecki and a small group of the monastery defenders, undertook a fight with the Swedish invaders. Nearly everybody, more important than the prior of the monastery, gave in the Swedish monarch who could not suppose that the dignity of the invaded Polish Republic would be rebuilt through the intercession of the Black Madonna. The copy of the Image often protected us from invasions, like the one in 1920, when a Bolshevik army arrived near Warsaw. At that moment, in front of the copy of the Image of the Black Madonna, being from the year 1909 in the church of Blessed Redeemer in the capital city – gen. Józef Haller, a commander of the Volunteers’ Army amounting to over 100 thousand soldiers and officers, was lying on the floor in the church in a position of the cross, at every night. Prayers said to Our Lady of Częstochowa were listened to and for nearly 20 years the Bolsheviks kept away from borders of the Polish Republic. So, no wonder that when the times of Stalin, crimes and destruction of everything which was Polish, the primate Stefan Wyszyński started implementing a program of the Great Novena, his fundament was Mary – present at Jasna Góra and in the miraculous copy, the Image of Invitation which was making a pilgrimage from parish to parish for following years in the whole country. Great retreats of the nation lasting in the years 1957 – 65, strengthened Poles against the disastrous influence of communism, its atheistic ideology and practices of governments based on power, hypocrisy and manipulation.

At present, nearly on the day before celebrations of the 1050th anniversary of establishment of Christian Poland (966-2016) and the 50th anniversary of the Millennium crowning the program of the Primate of the Millennium at that time (1966-2016), we seem to be facing not an easier challenge than the one which our ancestors had. We must protect freedom of elections, protect belief that nobody breaches this important procedure, allowing the national community to find its place in the system of democracy. Not only was the rule of democracy questioned in our eyes, but also no body of the constitutional authority, starting with the parliament and the president of Polish Republic to the Constitutional Tribunal, which would speak on behalf of a big part of citizens of the country concerned about its state. So, representatives of this big part of the nation, amounting to about 1000 people (as it was estimated) gathered together at Jasna Góra not accidently. We, Poles, want to arouse fear among all potential counterfeiters of their results. So, let them know, that like the Swedish and Bolsheviks they will sooner or later be known by name and surname and rushed away from the Polish land, as carriers of the modern form of captivity of the nation, successors of invaders and occupiers.


„Niedziela” 10/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: