
The District Court in Gdańsk sentenced Mary Kołakowska to 20 hours of public works because last year in Gdańsk she was trying to inhibit in presenting the insulting pseudo-play ‘Picnic Golgotha’ by leftist activists. It has already been the second verdict in this case. The defence announced another appeal from the verdict. So much information. Time to comment.

There is a bad opinion about Polish administration of justice not only in relation to laziness and cases taking place for years. It is perceived negatively for one more reason. For, it happens more and more frequently that verdicts made in Polish courts are contradictory with the elementary human sense of justice. It seems so to nearly everybody, including believers.

When the Catholics hear about another shocking court verdict, they have a right to believe that those who mock at their faith and slander the deepest feelings, are allowed to do everything. For example, ‘Nergal’ who tore the Bible ostentatiously and with obvious hatred, shouting insulting words. The court decided that it was a permitted criticism and that nothing bad had happened. Whereas, a 17-year-old student, who in her protest to insulting believers’ feelings, had courage for an innocent event, was punished. The court decided that she needed an upbringing lesson in the form of 20 hours of social work. As we assume – it is not only to punish her but also to bring her onto ‘a suitable – from the court’s point of view – road’. This is a clear signal that Mary and the others who defend religious values, are simply forced to keep silent.

During the mentioned event a few leftist activists assaulted Mary. So, the court became an ally of the men who had used force towards her and is also trying to break the moral backbone of the girl. Mary, do not give up! We are with you.


„Niedziela” 22/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl