Adjusting food standards to the EU ones, significantly made the taste and quality of Polish food worse, which was noticed even by the Agriculture minister.

Hearing the words ‘European Union’, its many citizens react with atavistic way of rubbing their three fingers of their right hands. These are funds, grants, high salaries of people connected with the Union. Together with them, there was to be a balanced development, wealth, success. In the beginning citizens of European countries, like Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, grants coming from the Union even choked on them. Only after many years they started to understand that, in fact, the Union spoils. After 11 years of their presence in the EU structures, Poles also start slowly to notice it. When I was in a stud, I heard loud complaints of a trainer that EU grants have spoiled the Polish race of a horse from Lesser Poland. Certainly, the purpose was noble. Wanting to maintain the specie of ‘Lesser Poland’, the EU program of ‘protection of genetic resources of horses of the Lesser Poland race’ was implemented. However, the grant is given to a breeder only for mares and now it is about 1500 zlotys. The EU system of financial covering mares led to elimination of the most attractive features of the Lesser Poland horse. Theoretically it ennobled the horse race, but in practice, it spoiled it. – Once I liked riding them, the trainer told me – they were big, strong, very beautiful, but today it is not nice to look at them. Unfortunately, this is not a single opinion. Another breeder complained that horses bred within the EU program lost their commercial value. There are very few people who want to buy them and the losses resulting from it, are bigger than the EU grants. It is not better in other districts. Adjusting food standards to the EU ones, significantly made the taste and quality of Polish food worse, which was noticed even by the Agriculture minister, who recommended testing EU food directives a few years ago. The Mother-Union also cares about the ‘human material’, that is, its citizens. It sends money for counteracting unemployment, that is, training people who are unemployed. As a result, training companies are getting rich, but unemployment is not disappearing. Moreover, those who are employed in Poland to serve EU operational programs are in a better position. They earn nearly 5 thousand zlotys monthly. And officials and politicians employed in Brussels receive similar amounts of money in euro. It may mean that the Union spoils even, or maybe, mainly – people…


„Niedziela” 32/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: