Energy in the EU is twice or even three times more expensive than in the United States which did not care about any consequences.
Climate is changing, is getting warmer and it is influenced by the man, and that should be limited. This is the reason of the climate summit meeting organized in Paris. It was attended by representatives of 150 countries. The main purpose is reduction of warm gases emission into the atmosphere. For a dozen years this issue has been discussed in the European Parliament. Basing on selected scientific expertise, EU leaders want to be leaders in a fight against the global warming. Eight years ago EU MPs received a list of hundred scientists from all over the world, who questioned the decisive influence of the man on climate changes. Many of them argued that in the perspective of ocean evaporation or a sudden volcano eruptions, emitting more harmful substances to the atmosphere than all cars, thesis given as obvious are more than exaggerated. Despite that, the European Union decided to limit itself, imposing restrictive solutions on all EU countries, including Poland which precedes with coal. During one of meetings in the European Parliament in Brussels, the chief of the European Commission of that time Jose Mannuel Barroso admitted that he was aware of the fact that restrictions of carbon dioxide emission imposed by the Union are meaningless in fact, but we want to give an example so that others would follow us. He also said that interestingly enough, even when we persuade other countries to this action, results will be seen only in the minimum of a hundred years. It means that there is no chance for somebody to experience it. But we all must pay immediately. Energy in the European Union is twice or even three times more expensive than in the United State which did not care about consequences at all, not mentioning China or India. As a result, during a dozen years, the participation of the European Union in the global national gross product shrank by over 5 oer cent.
Luckily, the current government conditioned signing a climatic agreement on a solidary signing a document by most countries emitting total 90 per cent of all warming gases. It makes our signature under this document an illusion. Organizing the summit meeting in Paris must have cost a lot, but climate is very important. It is so hot that it is necessary to lower the global temperature by even 2 degrees. And what will be later, if it turns out that it is not the end and climate is still the priority?
„Niedziela” 51/2015