From the perspective of Brussels and Strasburg, the actions of the opposition in Poland are appearing in a grotesque way. However, a small group of foreign MEPs, who get easily deceived by the Modern Party, the Civic Platform party and others initiating debates about Poland in the Euro-Parliament, and must feel extremely embarrassed now. The problem concerns the blockade of works of the Polish Seym and occupying the seat of the Marshal. That is how it is with most events which people compare to their past or possible experiences. In the European Parliament, similarly as in other parliaments of the European Union, the chairperson imposes punishments on fractious MEPs, or excludes them from debates. The most frequent punishments are depriving an MP ten daily wages, or exclusion, that is, an order to immediate leaving a debate hall. In case of disobedience to the chairperson, an MP is seen off by caretakers from the hall of the EP. Personally, I was a witness of a lot of such situations. Certainly, later one can make an appeal but the order of the chairperson of debates is immediately implemented. Although European MEPs do not agree with most of these decisions, nobody even thought to attack the presidium or occupy the seat of the EP chief. And why not? After all, this is Europe, perfect democracy, culture, etc. A similar behavior was considered as barbarism.

And, here, suddenly, boom! Close friends of Brussels worldly people in Poland are doin such ridiculous things. Those who still in Advent, in the context of a ‘good change’ in Poland were mumbling something about democratic standards of Belarus or Ukraine, have just presented them. Observing the leaders of the opposition, I was sure that it was atavistic reaction. Whereas I hear about earlier prepared sandwiches and not only. In the European Parliament it is forbidden to bring food or drinks into the plenary hall. Even a bottle with water.

Returning from Brussels before Christmas, on a plane I was talking with one Polish MP about it. We recalled that not long time ago, did the chairperson of the EP punish Janusz Koriwn-Mikke for his statement. How can one say so? After all he is a Pole! They bring a harm to us, as my interlocutor said. Finally, there appeared a suggestion that in the European Parliament the code of behavior should be like in the Polish Seym. Certainly, it had a jocose character. But shhh! Because what will happen, if fighters for freedom and democracy, having their followers in the European Parliament, will treat it seriously….


„Niedziela” 02/2017

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl