Editors of ‘Niedziela’

Fatima is a sanctuary probably the furthest one from Polish borders in Europe. It is also – beside Jasna Góra – a place which is connected with Polish issues the most.

Everything began in the year 1917. The nexus of historical events made Fatima not only so dear for us because of the characteristic religious feature, which was so easily accepted in our country (religious services of Fatima or adoration to Mary on the first Saturdays of the months). Apparitions took place when on the other end of Europe, and exactly – just behind the eastern border, one of the most anti-religious ideologies had its beginning. Atheistic communism, as its eulogists wanted, was to overwhelm the whole world soon. Soon after, this time towards the west of Poland, another monster appeared in the world. Historians have been wondering till now, which system deserves the name of Anti-Christ: communism or fascism.

The modern times, however, do not leave a hint of doubts. The message from Fatima somehow becomes universal. Behind our eastern border pro-Russian separatists are becoming more and more influential. Not only do soldiers participating in the conflict die, but also civilian people are killed. The view of the eastern territories arouses our worst associations: buildings ruined by bombs, destroyed infrastructure, desperately crying women. Reminding the message from Fatima in this situation seems important. ‘Say a rosary prayer every day, in order to receive peace for the world’ – these words the children from Fatima heard during the first apparition. Blessed Mother also asked them to entrust Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. Today, than ever before, we see the need of conversion of this enormous country. We do not know when this moment will come, so much awaited by believers. However, if today there is bloodshed in the East, the rhythm of thousands of people is drummed up by outbursts of weapons – we can do nothing but trust the message from Fatima and start saying the rosary prayer.

The editorial team of ‘Niedziela’ invite us to a special crusade of Rosary prayer, which is to last till there is peace behind our eastern border. On websites we can write two declarations– let everyone of us say a Rosary prayer everyday for Ukraine. Maybe in some parishes there will be initiatives of the common prayer – in this matter we ask for some signals from the area. We will present interesting ideas.


„Niedziela” 8/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl