Unusual and important things are happening around us. Did the date of 24 May 2015, that is, the election of Andrzej Duda for the supreme post in Poland, start revolution time in Poland? And what is this revolution based on? Undoubtedly, another frostbite of old and new writings from a tape of truth, through popularizing their content started an avalanche hard to prevent. Is there still a driver here? For people discover – as it is clearly seen – that activists of the Civic Platform party with Tusk, Sikorski or Kopacz at the helm, are strongly involved in a net of discrediting facts and manipulations tricks; that leaders of this party – and, unfortunately of the country – did not care about Poland or fight for the welfare of the nation, but cared only about their personal career at which they were aiming at the cost of the common welfare; that they created a new direction in the political thought – such a diabolic personalism, in contrast to the Christian one, in which care about a whole prevails, as well as about a community, from the position of human growing up and created to the image of God.

However, regardless of the world view of the tapes listeners, the tapes prove that the generation of 50- and 60-year-olds in their domineering trend (the generation and people of opposition and ‘Solidarity’ movement), instead of bringing up the society, including the post-communist one, in the spirit of their own choices and decisions from the youth, was brought up by the generation of the 50-and 60-year-old communists, educated in the school of the Polish United Workers’ Party; these were them, that is, murderers of Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko and leaders of the martial law, teaching their subordinates impunity, whose perception of a man and Poland was taken by this part of the elite of the Third Polish Republic as binding because bringing profits. And just this elite was governing us in media, offices of the government and a bigger palace from the time of the air crash at Smoleńsk. This is a very sad observation. Indeed, this fact does not burden the management of the Law and Justice party, but somehow the 50-and 60-year-olds got rebound for their inefficiency in convincing the nation of their opinion, which might – as it is seen today-have saved Poland.

The chairman Jarosław Kaczyński, as it seems, understood it quickly, unlike his political opponents. Hence, we probably watched not only an allegedly incomprehensible triumph of Paweł Kukiza and the victory of Andrzej Duda, a 40-year-old man, not burdened with an image of a generation which – in the opinion of 20-, 30-year-olds, had built the Third Polish Republic on a lie, spiced with an order of worshipping and thanking him for 25 years of freedom (vide Komorowski).

So, the beginning of a revolution is based on the self-reflection of the nation, including the young generation, brought up on worship expressed to our real heroes, nationalists of Dmowski, Piłsudski’s followers or creators of the Polish Underground Country and steadfast people, excluded by the communists. Paradoxically, the formation of Tusk, Schetyna and Komorowski, negating their biographies, has been inscribed into the standard of behaviours of communists once cursing Polish patriots. Young people are carriers of moral revolution, as well as before the January Uprising. So, there is hope that the new President of the Polish Republic will carry the burden of revolution and will make everyone trust him, who – regardless of where they come from – are looking for the law and order. And what law and order it?

Poles are slowly becoming aware, although not in a coherent way yet, that our real need is election of politicians who do not spend their time on creating their self-image, so as to build a mafia with their friends. For, regardless of the world view, most Poles might have become mature to ascertainment that the Polish country is a big issue , but in the hands of Tusk – the fugitive, Bieńkowska, Wojtunik, Sikorski, Kulczyk or Sienkiewicz and Kopacz, without honour – and will be changed into a pile of stones. If there is not a revolution, etc.


„Niedziela” 26/2015

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: