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Chopin is still playing...

Milena Kindziuk

Who does not know the characteristic figure of Barbara Wachowicz, with elaborately arranged blond curls and a perfect fringe, who talks with an oratorical fluency about Zeromski, Mickiewicz, Krasinski, Chopin... Her chatty personality, supported by deep knowledge, draws crowds of young people to meetings with this extraordinary woman who loves Poland so much. »

I took the vows of fast and silence for the sake of the role

Malgorzata Karnaszewska talks to Piotr Adamczyk, actor playing the main role in the film 'Story of Karol - Pope who remained a man'.

The director of the film about John Paul II Giacomo Batiato believed that the Polish actor knew more about the figure of the Holy Father more than he did. Piotr Adamczyk, who played the role of John Paul II, felt a co-director and co-screenwriter. »

Matera - Italian Jerusalem

Wlodzimierz Redzioch

Matera, town in southern Italy, is marked with Christ. The town is of Jerusalem character: its location, scenery and light caused Paolo Pasolini and Mel Gibson to make their most important films there. »

'Your home is here, Jon!'

Monika Kaniowska talks to Jon Voight, who played the title role in the film 'John Paul the Second'.

The premiere of the film about John Paul II in Krakow and Wadowice, which was so beautifully presented by our public television, is over. The man playing the role of the Holy Father, Hollywood actor Jon Voight said that Poles were an extraordinary nation because of their strength of faith. »

Homage of the Three Magi in the Cologne Cathedral

Jolanta Wylezynska

The Mediaeval Shrine of the Three Magi in the Cologne cathedral is a masterpiece of goldsmithery. Both the cathedral and the reliquary can be called 'symbols of the German soul'. »

In the circle of Harry Potter's world of magic

Fr Waldemar Kulbat

The next Harry Potter book was published. One can assume that this event caused the Italian newspaper La Republica to reveal the content of the Holy Father Benedict XVI's letter to the authoress of the book in question. The letter referred to harmfulness of the series about Harry Potter. »

Prizes of the 20th International Catholic Film and Multimedia Festival 'Niepokalanów 2005'

Grand Prix of the 20th International Catholic Film and Multimedia Festival 'Niepokalanów 2005' was won by the film 'Moje zycie dla niego' (My life for him) about the well known Pope's photographer Arturo Mari. »

Statuette of St Maximilian for Editor-in-chief of 'Niedziela'

Anna Cichoblazinska

The statuettes of St Maximilian Maria Kolbe of the 20th International Catholic Film and Multimedia Festival 'Niepokalanów 2005' were awarded. The prizes in categories of films, radio programmes and multimedia programmes went to artists from all continents. »

Tribute to John Paul II

Sacred music will sound again in Czestochowa

'Gaude Mater' 15th International Festival of Sacred Music will be held in Czestochowa on 1-6 May 2005. We talked to Malgorzata Zuzanna Nowak, director of the Festival, about the main trends and concerts of this year's festival, in our previous issue of 'Niedziela'. Today we continue our conversation about concerts and initiatives, which annually accompany the Festival, and also about these forms, which will make this 15th edition unique. »

Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: